What is Raman Spectroscopy?
spectroscopy provides information about molecular vibrations that can be used
for sample identification and quantitation. The technique involves shining a
monochromatic light source (i.e. laser) on a sample and detecting the scattered
light. The majority of the scattered light is of the same frequency as the excitation
source; this is known as Rayleigh or elastic scattering. A very small amount
of the scattered light (ca. 10-5% of the incident light intensity)
is shifted in energy from the laser frequency due to interactions between the
incident electromagnetic waves and the vibrational energy levels of the molecules
in the sample. Plotting the intensity of this "shifted" light versus
frequency results in a Raman spectrum of the sample. Generally, Raman spectra
are plotted with respect to the laser frequency such that the Rayleigh band
lies at 0 cm-1. On this scale, the band positions will lie at frequencies
that correspond to the energy levels of different functional group vibrations.
The Raman spectrum can thus be interpreted similar to the infrared absorption
Why and Where Should I Use Raman?
Raman scattering is a spectroscopic
technique that is complementary to infrared absorption spectroscopy. Raman offers
several advantages over mid-IR and near-IR spectroscopy, including:
- Little or no sample
preparation is required
- Water is a weak scatterer
- no special accessories are needed for measuring aqueous solutions
- Water and CO2
vapors are very weak scatterers - purging is unnecessary
- Inexpensive glass sample
holders are ideal in most cases
- Fiber optics (up to
100's of meters in length) can be used for remote analyses
- Since fundamental modes
are measured, Raman bands can be easily related to chemical structure
- Raman spectra are "cleaner"
than mid-IR spectra - Raman bands are narrower, and overtone and combination
bands are generally weak
- The standard spectral
range reaches well below 400 cm-1, making the technique ideal for
both organic and inorganic species
- Raman spectroscopy can
be used to measure bands of symmetric linkages which are weak in an infrared
spectrum (e.g. -S-S-, -C-S-, -C=C-)
spectroscopy can be used for both qualitative and quantitative applications.
The spectra are very specific, and chemical identifications can be performed
by using search algorithms against digital databases. As in infrared spectroscopy,
band areas are proportional to concentration, making Raman amenable to
quantitative analysis. In fact, because Raman bands are inherently sharper
than their infrared counterparts, isolated bands are often present in
the spectrum for more straightforward quantitative analysis.
Infrared absorption and
Raman scattering are governed by completely different selection rules. Infrared
bands arise from an interaction between light and the oscillating dipole moment
of a vibrating molecule. Raman bands arise from an oscillating induced dipole
caused by light waves interacting with the polarizability ellipsoid of a vibrating
molecule. (It is common to describe the polarizability ellipsoid as the shape
of the electron cloud around the molecule). Thus, symmetric stretches, vibrations
involving multiple bonds, and vibrations of heavier atoms typically give rise
to strong bands in the Raman spectrum. Asymmetric molecules will have bands
at similar frequencies in both the infrared and Raman spectra, but their relative
intensities will be very different. In most cases, a chemical species will have
strong, indicative bands in both its Raman and IR spectra but they may not coincide.
Which technique is superior depends upon the molecule of interest, the concentration
level, the matrix or solution, other interfering species present, and the desired
sampling method. For many applications, Raman may be the better answer to your
spectroscopic identification or monitoring needs.
Please continue browsing
our website to learn about Raman products from InPhotonics and chemical applications
we have developed.
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