RS2000 High Resolution Raman Spectrometer

High resolution RS2000 system provides research-grade performance in a rugged spectrometer design.The RS2000 is the only Raman spectrometer to offer both high resolution and full spectral range capabilities in a system with no moving parts or throughput-limiting slits. Unique to the system is an echelle spectrograph that offers light dispersion in two dimensions to fully exploit the CCD detector area. The result is better than 1 cm-1 spectral resolution from 200 – 3900 cm-1 (Raman shift)*. No other system can provide this range and resolution without switching grating positions. The lens based optics are matched to a fiber optic input, providing 1:1 imaging at the focal plane and negating the need for entrance slits.

Combined with the RamanProbeTM for remote sampling, the RS2000 is the ideal Raman spectrometer for difficult environments where portability and insensitivity to vibration are required. The RS2000 is also perfect for applications requiring high resolving power and complete spectral range coverage.

The RS2000 is available in two standard configurations with either a 785 nm or a 532 nm excitation laser. The system includes InPhotonics' data acquisition package and GRAMS AI manipulation software (from Thermo Electron Instruments, Inc.) operating on a standard PC data station.

670 nm RS2000 system for wide spectral range (up to 3600 cm-1) combined with long-wavelength excitation

View RS2000 spectra

Downloads (requires Adobe® Acrobat Reader):
Technical Note #12: High Resolution Raman Spectroscopy with an Echelle Spectrograph
RS2000 product brochure

Features and Specifications


RS2000 VIS

RS2000 NIR
Optical Design Echelle spectrograph incorporating aluminum-coated echelle grating (52.65 g/mm) and prism for cross dispersion in a fixed configuration Echelle spectrograph incorporating gold-coated echelle grating (52.65 g/mm) and two prisms for cross dispersion in a fixed configuration
Excitation Source 50 mW, 532 nm Nd:YAG laser (high power available upon request) 300 mW, frequency-stabilized 785 nm diode laser (0.1 nm linewidth)
Spectral Resolution and Range 1 cm-1 spectral resolution from 200 - 3900 cm-1 measured in a single exposure (measured as FWHH)* 1 cm-1 spectral resolution from 200 - 3450 cm-1 measured in a single exposure (measured as FWHH)*
Calibration Method Fixed optics provide permanent calibration under normal operating conditions. Intensity correction performed automatically through software.
Rayleigh Filter None required (108 optical filtering incorporated into RamanProbe)
Detector Three-stage TE-cooled CCD array, 1024 x 256 pixels, operating at -55oC for very low dark noise
Sampling Accessory RamanProbeTM product line suitable for a variety of applications. Class I sample holders also available.
Physical Dimensions (spectrograph) 26" x 16" x 8" with external laser source; approximately 55 lbs. total weight
Acquisition Hardware and Software Basic system includes data acquisition software for control of spectrometer. PC data station running Windows XP pro required for operation.

This is a laser Class IIIb product.*1 cm-1 is specified with 50 µm input fiber (available as an option). Spectral resolution of 4 cm-1 is achievable with standard RamanProbe. Spectral range will be limited at excitation wavelengths >775 nm due to reduced quantum efficiency of the CCD detector.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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